We are AEPhi
Alpha Epsilon Phi at Tulane is more than just a sorority - we are an incredibly close organization with similar values and goals, a strong support system, and a chance to become involved with something bigger than yourself.
You can find members of our chapter involved all over campus. Many of us have on-campus jobs, internships, and participate in many clubs and activities on campus, such as:
Beta Alpha Psi
Crawfest Music Festival
Creative Scholars
Dining Board Advisory
Her Campus Tulane
Newcomb Big/Little sisters
Orientation Leaders
Phi Eta Sigma
Pre-Medical Society
Recruitment Counselors
Tulane Campus Programming
Tulane Hillel
Tulane Jewish Leaders
Tutoring and Writing Center Tutors
Undergraduate Student Government
Our social calendars are always packed with mixers, date parties, crush parties, and other social events. AEPhis love hanging out with each other, especially after a long week of studying and tests. Whether it's Friday brunch at the house, going to one of New Orleans' many concerts or music festivals, cheering on our football team at a tailgate, traveling the world while studying abroad, or just having a relaxing movie night in, you'll always see AEPhis spending time together.
It's no wonder that our motto is Multa corda, una causa - Many hearts, one purpose.