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We are AEPhi

Alpha Epsilon Phi at Tulane is more than just a sorority - we are an incredibly close organization with similar values and goals, a strong support system, and a chance to become involved with something bigger than yourself.


You can find members of our chapter involved all over campus. Many of us have on-campus jobs, internships, and participate in many clubs and activities on campus, such as:

  • Beta Alpha Psi

  • Crawfest Music Festival

  • Creative Scholars

  • Dining Board Advisory

  • Her Campus Tulane

  • Newcomb Big/Little sisters

  • Orientation Leaders

  • Phi Eta Sigma

  • Pre-Medical Society

  • Recruitment Counselors

  • Tulane CACTUS

  • Tulane Campus Programming

  • Tulane Hillel

  • Tulane Jewish Leaders

  • Tutoring and Writing Center Tutors

  • Undergraduate Student Government


Our social calendars are always packed with mixers, date parties, crush parties, and other social events. AEPhis love hanging out with each other, especially after a long week of studying and tests. Whether it's Friday brunch at the house, going to one of New Orleans' many concerts or music festivals, cheering on our football team at a tailgate, traveling the world while studying abroad, or just having a relaxing movie night in, you'll always see AEPhis spending time together.


It's no wonder that our motto is Multa corda, una causa - Many hearts, one purpose.

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